Adding a Soundtrack to Magic

A magic musicfest

Welcome Back, Fellow Magic Lovers!
Today, let’s continue exploring how music can add a magical touch to a performance. I’ve been diving deeper into how sound can set the tone, convey emotion, and enhance the wonder of a magic show. The response from even the youngest audience members has been incredible—kids in Montgomery Township and the wider Philadelphia area seem to especially love how music adds another layer to the experience.

Crafting the Perfect Playlist

Finding the right songs to match my routines has been a rewarding challenge. For my colorful silk scarf routine, I’ve paired it with “The Rainbow Connection.” The familiar tune brings a smile to people’s faces as they see each new, vibrant scarf appear.

In my cut-and-restored rope routine, the suspense is heightened by a mashup of the James Bond theme and the Pink Panther theme. The blend of these iconic melodies adds humor to the act and sets the stage for moments of surprise.

For a sequence involving balloons, I’ve been using Nena’s “99 Luftballons,” which has worked great. But I’m considering switching to the theme from Pixar’s Up, which might better match the joyful spirit of the routine.

The Power of Instrumental Music

There’s something magical about instrumental music—it can instantly evoke emotions like joy, excitement, or nostalgia. Integrating instrumental tracks into my show has added a new dimension of storytelling. Whether it’s a whimsical melody or a dramatic score, the music helps me guide the audience through the emotions I want them to feel.

Sound as a Magical Element

Adding music has made my show feel more dynamic and immersive. It’s not just background noise; it’s a key player in creating a sense of wonder. I’m having a blast experimenting with different tracks and seeing how they enhance each trick. And the audience reactions in Philly and the nearby suburbs have been overwhelmingly positive.

DIY Activity: Create a Magic Soundtrack

Want to bring the magic of music into your own life? Here’s a fun activity:

Materials Needed:

  • A playlist or collection of instrumental tracks (Spotify, YouTube, etc.)
  • A favorite magic trick or performance


  1. Pick a few instrumental tracks that you think will match the mood of your magic trick.
  2. Perform the trick while playing the music and see how it changes the feel of the act.
  3. Experiment with different songs to find the perfect soundtrack!

What Happens: You’ll discover how music can change the energy and emotion of a performance, making it more engaging and memorable.

Until Tomorrow…

Music is a fantastic way to elevate any magic show, and I’m excited to keep experimenting with new tracks. See you tomorrow for more insights and stories from my magical adventures here in Montgomery Township! 🎩🎵

Musical Magic in Montgomery Township PA