Print this page out and use it to plan your magical birthday party!

3 Months Prior to Party
[ ] Pick Theme
[ ] Choose Date
[ ] Book Facility if needed
[ ] Book Entertainment
[ ] Other ________
3 Days Prior to Party
[ ] Order Balloons
[ ] Prepare Games
[ ] Buy Drinks
[ ] Locate Cooler
[ ] Get Large Trash Bags
[ ] Other _____________
6 Weeks Prior to Party
[ ] Make Invitation List
[ ] Create Invitations
[ ] Plan Activities & Food
[ ] Rent Supplies (if needed)
[ ] Other ___________
1 Day Prior to Party
[ ] Pick up Cake
[ ] Buy Ice
[ ] Decorate
[ ] Charge Camera
[ ] Other ___________
2-3 Weeks Prior to Party
[ ] Send Invitations
[ ] Order Cake and Food
[ ] Make List of Supplies
[ ] Other ________________
Day of the Party
[ ] Pick up Balloons
[ ] Fill Cooler
[ ] Prepare Gift Table
[ ] Put out Food
[ ] Other _____________
1 Week Prior to Party
[ ] Send Reminders
[ ] Buy Supplies
[ ] Assemble Party Bags
[ ] Other _____________
1 Day after Party
[ ] Send thank you notes
[ ] Return anything Borrowed
[ ] Return anything Rented
[ ] Other _____________